
We find ourselves within a larger unfolding story of a God who relentlessly pursues people from beginning to end, bringing the family of humanity back together. This story includes Scripture but is not limited to Scripture. Though the story of God provides the foundation for how we live in the world, we find ourselves living in the final act of the grand narrative of God’s work in the world, improvising through the Spirit of God and taking part in a story awaiting an ultimate conclusion.

Faith is an ongoing, never-ending restoring of our souls, our lives, and the world in which we live. Faith in Jesus is about more than the forgiveness of our shortcomings; we believe that God wants to redeem every part of us and our world. The Hebrew word shalom, which is a vital concept for our community, can be rendered “restored.” We believe that our lives and communities, no matter how broken, can be fully restored. Restoration through Jesus is more than a one-time transaction; it’s a way of living. Sometimes restoration involves demolishing old ways of living and thinking; other times restoration is about renovating and creating something new from the old.

Wholeness is the desired goal of our faith. We proclaim the life and teachings of Jesus so that we can live a whole-hearted faith. A holistic faith balances complexity and diversity, and includes our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. We desire a complete faith that creates space for us in an ever-changing world. We experience wholeness when faith permeates our relationships with God, the church, and the communities where we live.

We desire to be a community of people who can come just as we are and who are not afraid to be ourselves and let ourselves be known. We believe that when people see followers of Jesus who are real and authentic, they will see a Jesus who is real and authentic. We think this happens by embracing curiosity about ourselves, others, and God, and through the courage to ask big questions. Authentic faith includes authentic doubts, which are welcomed rather than feared.

In this community, beauty, art, and imagination are valued, used, and understood as coming from the Creator. We are, in truth, created to be creators. We believe God is calling us all to lifelong creative, artistic, and scientific pursuits. Creativity happens whenever we connect new ideas, social networks, and practices in original ways. As people created in God’s image, we are meant to mirror God’s creativity in these ways.