The Story of Crossings

In 2006, a group of people began gathering with a simple dream: to create a community of faith where anyone could come and authentically experience God.

In February of 2007, Crossings hosted its first public gathering. This was the beginning of the dream that eventually birthed a faith community that now gathers around Knoxville throughout the week.

From the very beginning, two things were communicated and embodied as community:


We exist to help people find their way back to God.

By saying this, we don’t want to imply that some people have crossed a hypothetical line and are now, “good to go,” while others still need to “come back.” Instead, we think ALL live in a world in which things are not as they were intended to be. Because of this, ALL OF US end up seeking some kind of restoration and wholeness in the midst of the world’s brokenness. Our desire as a community is that our pursuit of God would result in a world where brokenness is mended; that the world would become the way it was intended to be- whole, complete, lacking for nothing. The Hebrew word for this idea is SHALOM and it’s a blessing we wish for our community every time we gather.


We will always be a place where the questions are more important than the answers.

The name “Crossings” comes from the story in the book of Genesis in which Jacob wrestled with God at night on the banks of the Jabbok River. As daylight came, Jacob held on tight and would not let go until God blessed him. He wanted something more from his story and his faith than he had ever experienced before. We believe that everyone, at one time or another, crosses the Jabbok River to wrestle with God for a faith that is their own. As a community, we are committed to wrestling with the hard questions of life, faith, and meaning. Our desire is that this community is a safe place for ANYONE to cross over the river, wrestle with God, and, hopefully, receive a blessing.

“We believe that EVERYONE, at one time or another, crosses the Jabbok River to wrestle out a faith that they’ve maybe have heard about but never experienced.”

A community that pursues these things, at times, is incredibly messy. We don’t always agree on everything. But such a community is also honest about our desperate longing for God and the ways of Jesus.

Originally, Crossings gathered in the Downtown West Cinema. But in January of 2009, our Sunday gathering moved to The Square Room at 4 Market Square. In March of 2011, we began a second gathering site at Christenberry Elementary School in Uptown North Knoxville.

Regardless of where we gather (The Square Room, Christenberry, someone’s home, etc) or when we gather (not just Sunday), our community simply has one idea in mind: to be a community where people can discuss, question, learn, and worship while desiring for all of us to find our way back to God.