
We dream of a community that provides generous hospitality for a diversity of backgrounds and experiences; where disagreement does not keep us from coming to the same table.
We dream of a community where everyone is encouraged to wrestle with the questions of life, faith, and the mysteries of God.
We dream of a community where faith is seen as a journey rather than an “arrival” or a “position.” We embrace change and improvisation while honoring the ancient paths of our faith as we seek the restoration of all things.
We dream of a community where art and creativity are seen as fundamental aspects of God and what it means to be human. We dream of a faith community where everyone can discover and embody ways of living that might add beauty to the world.
We dream of a community where children and young people are seen as vital and vibrant participants of the community.
We dream of a community that gathers to study and participate in the Story of God, to better identify with the postures and priorities of Jesus. We do this in order to be sent out as people seeking the shalom of our schools, neighborhoods, and workplaces.